lavaanPlot 0.3.0
CRAN release: 2018-01-26
Added support for latent variables (denoted by circles) in plots
Added support for edge labels with significant coefficients
lavaanPlot 0.4.0
Added support for latent variable loading labels
Added support for covariance edges
Corrected the direction of arrows for latent variable loadings
lavaanPlot 0.5.1
CRAN release: 2018-04-25
Fixed bug caused by . in variable names
simplified the functions using the … argument
fixed significance stars to work with standardized and non-standardized coefficients
Changed significance stars so you can choose which parameters to use them with
lavaanPlot 0.5.2
Added digits option for coefficients
Changed coefs argument behavior so that it toggles coef values for covariances too
Plots now show residual covariances
lavaanPlot 0.6.0
CRAN release: 2021-02-03
- added functions to save plots as images and embed plots in pdfs with Rmarkdown
lavaanPlot 0.6.2
CRAN release: 2021-08-13
- Fixed issues with suggested packages that were causing trouble for CRAN submission
lavaanPlot 0.6.3
Added support for specifying dimensions of saved png files
Updated vignette for layout graph options
Added package tests
lavaanPlot 0.7.0
- Introducing
function, which replicates the old functionality in a more flexible platform